Sunday 25 October 2009

Watch the Emotional Footage of Gaza by Viva Palestina from Bradford

Viva Palestina from UK (Bradford team footage) - Enter Gaza Border - ***MUST WATCH**

Part 1 Video
Part 2 Video
Part 3 Video

Join our next convoy on 5th December 2009 . Details and contacts from -

Bradford Viva Palestina Blog
National Viva Palestina Homepage

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - War On Democracy by John Pilger

Two years in the making, 'The War on Democracy' is still showing in cinemas throughout the UK. View the full list of regional venues and dates. WATCH THE TRAILER

Read Pilger's Guardian article about his latest film.

The distributor is Lionsgate Films which, in the UK and the US, has played a leading part in the new wave of feature-length documentaries. In recognition of the film's significance, ITV screened the film its entirety in the UK with only one commercial break on 20 August 2007.
'The War on Democracy' is John Pilger's first major film for the cinema - in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. "The film tells a universal story," says Pilger, "analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story ofgreat power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".

Recommended ....A MUST watch!!!! Click the above picture of film to view.

Welcome to Unity, Faith and Discipline

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Dont forget to download our proposed "Economic and Social Model"

The Project

We urgently need volunteers and help to avoid unjustice and hatred!

Do you see yourself as the Vulture?

The photo in the mail is the "Pulitzer prize" winning photo taken during the Sudan Famine in 1994. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards a United Nations Food Camp, located a kilometer away.

The Vulture is waiting for the child to die so he can eat it. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child , including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place soon as the photo was taken.

Kevin Carter later committed suicide due to depression!

Monday, January 15, 2007 - A Special thanks to Amjad Aziz

A very good friend of mine who has the same ideas and Philosophies on life. Specials thanks for putting in precious time to the project and is now looking at alternative strategies on implementing business idea.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 - We should look at the Ants as an example

So harmonious in its survival and for its colony.

The Ants are a beautiful example of how man should live in harmony on Earth. Time and time again, the scriptures (Quran) reminds us to look at his creation for signs and to take heed.
"Behold! In the creation of the heavens (space) and the earth and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (saying): 'Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, Glory to You! Give us salvation from the punishment of the Fire."
(Al-Imran 3:190-191).

It also explains that we should learn from other communities and see the signs. "All the creatures on earth are communities like you... " Quran, 6:38Ants are amazing creatures and are the most successful creatures around in terms of organisational skills and their social out look. The life of an individual Ant is not important - but the survival of the colony is critical. The
colony acts like a "Super Ant State" and cares for each other. It will give its life away just to protect the community. It does not just live for its self, but for others within the community. Only Ants and humans keep animals for domestic needs. They are like animal shepherds and flock their food for their community. There is a whole chapter in the Quran named after the Ants - 27. The Ants (An-Naml). So its very important to implement the attributes of the Ants or even the Bees for the matter within our community as outlined in our Economic Model.

Please view the following video to give you an idea of the attributes I am talking about. ENJOY THE VIEWING!

Click picture below

A word from the author

Salaams and Dear All,

This is my second attemp to create a Blog with this information.

My other Blog service has let me down and has lost alot of feedback from readers, because the Blog service was unstable.

Hence, I have uploaded the information on this new Blog site in the relevant order, but you may notice that some of the date posted may NOT correspondence to the date of the artcles.

Hope that makes sense.

Enjoy the Blog and hope to get some fresh feedback.

Go Well, and WS.

Riaz Ahmed

Saturday 24 October 2009

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 - Comments/Ideas by ASK Joommal ...Lenasia (South Africa) on 13 October 2006

Muhtarm, my dear Brother Riaz:

Salaam-o-Rahmat, and Ramadaan Mubaarak, and very soon, EID MUBAARAK!!

As requested, I have proofread your manuscript, and must congratulate you on your Quran-permeated thoughts.

Keep up the excellent work, and may Allah bless you, and brother A. Aziz.
Very best wishes, du'as and salaam, Affectionately,
ASK Jommal (Editor of Al-Balaagh)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 - Comments/Ideas posted by Dr Khalid Al-Mansour on 06 November 2006 .. (USA)

Dear Brother Riaz,

As Salaam Aleikum !

I received your reflections on Islam today and am impressed with its scope anddiversity. Many of your ideas have occured to others in the past but because oflimitations on travel and communications it was difficult to develop consensus and specific action plans. Today with the modern internet it is possible to recycle ideas about the real meaning of Islam, and of equal importance, how to comply with the wonderful presciptions.In that regard I would suggest you invite a peer group of interested ones to begin to engage in a discussion of relevent topics, one by one.
For instance:
* The role of logic and reason in Islam
* The role of science and technology in Islam
* Distinguishing between form, substance and ceremony in Islam
* The proper role of formal education in Islam
* How to achieve, expand self reconcilliation and contentment based upon theprescriptions of Islam
Inshallah the informed reponses received will create Islamic models the world will
aspire to duplicate and sprad.

Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour.

Monday, January 1, 2007 - My draft proposal - first Draft


Justice Project for a reformation to present economic system. A second draft is coming out soon which will have more substance. The first part is self-critical and the second part of the model shows the backbone of the "Economic Sytem" that needs to be in place. The system is based on Quranic Principles and shows how beautifully this system distibutes wealth, education, power and helps get the people involved in the society they live in